Calabacitas Con Crema

How to make Calabacitas Con Crema


1 kilo zucchini, green

1/2 kilo of tomato

3 garlic cloves

1/2 slices of onion

1/4 liters of cream

1 teaspoon Knorr Swiss, or salt

2 butter spoons

1 sprig of fresh coriander


Wash and sanitize all vegetables.

Chop onion into pieces as well as garlic, zucchini and tomato.

Add the butter, garlic and onion to the pan.

Add the pumpkins and tomato

Season it with Swiss knor or salt, the amount you like

Add the cream and cilantro and voila.

Nutrition Information:


Calories: 150 kcal | Total Fat: 10g | Saturated Fat: 6g | Cholesterol: 30mg | Sodium: 300mg | Total Carbohydrates: 10g | Dietary Fiber: 2g | Sugars: 5g | Protein: 4g

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use different types of zucchini for this recipe?

Yes, you can use different types of zucchini for “Calabacitas Con Crema.” While the recipe calls for green zucchini, you can try using yellow or other varieties as well, which may add some color and flavor variation to the dish.

Can I use other herbs instead of fresh coriander?

Absolutely! If you’re not a fan of fresh coriander (cilantro), you can use other herbs like parsley or basil.

Alternatively, you can skip the herbs altogether or experiment with your favorite herbs to suit your taste preferences.

Is it necessary to peel the zucchini and tomatoes before cooking?

In this recipe, you do not need to peel the zucchini or tomatoes. The skin of both vegetables is edible and can add texture and nutrients to the dish.

However, if you prefer a smoother texture, you can peel the zucchini and tomatoes before cooking.

Can I make this recipe dairy-free or vegan?

Yes, you can adapt this recipe to be dairy-free or vegan. Instead of using cream, you can use coconut milk or any plant-based cream substitute.

Additionally, you can replace the butter with a plant-based alternative, and choose a vegan seasoning option instead of Knorr Swiss.

How long does it take to cook “Calabacitas Con Crema”?

The cooking time for “Calabacitas Con Crema” can vary depending on the size of the vegetable pieces and the heat level used.

Typically, it takes around 15-20 minutes to cook the zucchini and tomatoes until they are tender. The entire dish can be ready in approximately 30 minutes from start to finish.

Can I use a different type of cream in this recipe?

Yes, you can use different types of cream in “Calabacitas Con Crema.”

The recipe calls for 1/4 liter of cream, but you can use heavy cream, light cream, half-and-half, or even a non-dairy cream substitute like coconut cream or almond cream if you prefer.

Can I adjust the amount of Knorr Swiss or salt used for seasoning?

Absolutely! The amount of Knorr Swiss or salt used for seasoning can be adjusted according to your taste preferences. Start with the suggested amount and add more if needed.

Remember, you can always add more seasoning, but you can’t take it away, so it’s best to season gradually and taste as you go.

Is it essential to use butter for this recipe?

While the recipe calls for butter, you can use other cooking oils as a substitute if you prefer. Olive oil, vegetable oil, or even coconut oil can be used to sauté the garlic and onion.

The choice of oil can alter the flavor slightly, so use your preferred oil or what you have available.

Can I add other vegetables to this dish?

Yes, you can customize “Calabacitas Con Crema” by adding other vegetables of your choice. Some commonly added vegetables include bell peppers, corn, or even carrots.

Just be mindful of the cooking times of the additional vegetables to ensure they are cooked to the desired tenderness.

How do I know when the zucchini and tomatoes are cooked?

Zucchini and tomatoes are considered cooked when they become tender and can be easily pierced with a fork.

The cooking time may vary depending on the size of the vegetable pieces and the heat level used.

To check for doneness, taste a piece of zucchini or tomato to ensure it’s cooked to your liking before proceeding with the rest of the recipe.

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