Grandma Buen Provecho

How to make Grandma Buen Provecho


Mexican Capirotada

Preheat oven 350*

4 -piloncillo cones

2 -cinnamon sticks

6 -whole cloves

7 -bolillos, sliced , buttered on both sides

1 pound of shredded Monterrey jack cheese , optional- you can add more cheese or use marble cheese too .

1 c. of chopped walnuts

1 c. roasted peanuts ( no salt)

1-1/2 c of raisins


*Boil 2 quarts of water with the first three ingredients on low for 20 minutes . Strain it because of the cinnamon bark and cloves. Set the liquid aside.

*slice the bolillos , butter both sides, bake on each side @350, until they are golden crispy like a crouton (the bread will absorb the piloncillo liquid).

*butter the pan and the sides

*layering the bread , top it with raisins, nuts and cheese , then top it with 2c of the juices and

REPEAT the layers again.

*Bake at 350 for 20 minutes until its bubbling , no worries if there is a little bit of liquid because it thickens like a caramel when it sets. Let it cool and set for two hours .

Ok.. ok I had to serve myself a hot slice first. Enjoy!!

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