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Left Over Meatloaf Picadillo

How to make Left Over Meatloaf Picadillo


Left over Meatloaf






Caldo de Tomate

California Chile Powder


Ground Achiote

New Mexico Chile Powder




Sautee chopped onion, carrots, potatoes, & jalepeño for 5 minutes until onions are soft.

Add remaining ingredients and combine well. Add water. Cover and simmer 15 minutes until potatoes are soft.

Continue to simmer uncovered if you want less broth. Reduce & serve with tortillas and chopped cilantro.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use any type of meatloaf for this recipe, or are there specific recommendations?

You can use any type of leftover meatloaf for this recipe. Whether it’s beef, turkey, chicken, or a combination, it will work well with the other ingredients.

What is Caldo de Tomate, and where can I find it? Can I use a substitute if I can’t find it?

Caldo de Tomate is a tomato bouillon often found in Latin American grocery stores or the international foods section of large supermarkets.

If you can’t find it, you can use tomato bouillon cubes or tomato paste mixed with water as a substitute.

Is this recipe spicy due to the use of jalapeño and chile powders, and can I adjust the spice level to my preference?

Yes, this recipe may have some level of spiciness due to the jalapeño and chile powders. You can adjust the spice level according to your preference by reducing or increasing the amount of jalapeño or using milder chile powders.

Can I make this recipe ahead of time and reheat it later? How long does it keep in the refrigerator?

Yes, you can make this picadillo ahead of time and store it in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days. Simply reheat it on the stove or in the microwave before serving.

Are there any suitable alternatives to tortillas if I want to make this recipe gluten-free or low-carb?

If you want to make this recipe gluten-free, you can serve the picadillo with gluten-free tortillas or use corn tortillas instead of wheat tortillas.

For a low-carb option, you can serve the picadillo with lettuce wraps or cauliflower tortillas.

Can I use frozen meatloaf for this recipe, or does it need to be freshly made?

You can use both freshly made meatloaf and frozen meatloaf for this recipe. Just ensure that if you’re using frozen meatloaf, you thaw it completely before adding it to the picadillo.

How can I adjust the spiciness level of the Picadillo to suit different taste preferences?

To adjust the spiciness, you can control the amount of jalapeño and chile powders used. For a milder version, reduce the amount of jalapeño and use less or mild versions of the chile powders.

Can I use sweet potatoes instead of regular potatoes in the recipe?

Yes, you can use sweet potatoes as a delicious alternative to regular potatoes. They will add a slightly sweeter flavor to the dish.

What are some creative serving suggestions besides using tortillas?

Aside from serving with tortillas, you can enjoy the Picadillo over rice, quinoa, or even pasta. It can also be used as a filling for tacos, burritos, or enchiladas.

Is there a vegetarian or vegan version of this recipe, and what substitutions can I make for the meatloaf?

Yes, you can make a vegetarian or vegan version of this Picadillo by substituting the leftover meatloaf with plant-based alternatives like crumbled tofu, tempeh, or plant-based meat substitutes.

Choose vegetable broth instead of Caldo de Tomate, and ensure all other ingredients are plant-based to suit your dietary preferences.

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